Saturday, September 25, 2010

empire state of mind.

So many things have happened to us since we've been here that we decided to just compose a list of the top 10 biggest happenings!

1. Moved to NYC later...than 4 AM! (city that never sleeps?- we didn't)
2. We saw KRISTEN CHENOWETH and LAURA LINNEY on the street!
3. We successfully moved our 7 foot couch into our apt after two days of trying.
4. We've seen a total of 6 Broadway shows (collectively)
5. Went to a live taping of David Letterman
6. On our 2nd day in our apt...our roof fell down. yeah. (see below)
7. We were prayed for at church by a woman we saw on Broadway the night before.
8. Speaking of church, we found our perfect new home church and couldn't be happier!
9. We went to the Wild Nothing and Stars (one of our favorite bands!) concert and the lead guitarist of Stars ended up crashing on our couch.
10. Best of all- we both found our survival jobs within the first week of being here! We don't have to sell our souls to pay least not yet.

Until next time!

Love from NYC,
Erica & Kathryn


  1. I watched it! And from peach to fellow peaches, I just want to say...I love you!! So glad everything is going well so far! I'm going to be up there visiting/refusing to ever leave you guys very soon! : )

  2. You're having a blast... I can tell... with soooo many more memories to come... I can't wait to hear about them!

  3. Well done Erica and Kathryn--You both seem to be enjoying your life in the city. What I could see of your apartment, aside from the ceiling, seems quite adequate for two adventersome gals.

    Congratulations on your first apartment, first blog, and jobs. Hope more "good things" are yet to come.

    Laura Linney, my favorite. Along with everything else she does she often does Masterpiece Theater introductions and does a great job.
    Bye for now--
    love to the both of you, grandma

  4. I love this so much. I will now be living vicariously through the two of you, so I hope you're prepared for that. Looking forward to visiting one of these days (Erica... you don't know me, but it's ok. We'll be friends for sure). Thinking about and praying for the two of you! I know how crazy a move like this can be, but you're gonna love and learn so much!

    - Robby

  5. Ha, AWESOME! for the most part. I'm seeing stars next week! I'll ask the guitarist how his stay was. :D

  6. Love the song, keep singing. I'm a billionaire has a ring to it. Love U. debbob

  7. I need more blog posts!!! AND I NEED TO SEE YOUUUU
